Baby Jesus in the Manger Wanderer Catholic 2020

A Pilgrimage Through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

A Pilgrimage Through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary 

    The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary lead us deeply into the mystery of the Incarnation. They also give us a chance to contemplate the role of Mary in the life of Jesus and in our own lives.

To help us each prepare our hearts for Christmas, we’ve compiled a brief “Advent Pilgrimage” through the Joyful Mysteries. 

You can meditate on each prompt as you pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, or you can incorporate these meditations into prayers before or after Mass.

You can bring these meditations with you to Eucharistic Adoration, as well. 

A pilgrimage involves movement, gradually “getting closer” to your final destination. In this case, our final destination is Christmas and each mystery is one stop on the pilgrimage.

To incorporate movement to bring out the “pilgrimage” nature of these meditations, you can read and pray on one mystery at a time, even at a different church each time, leading up to Mass on Christmas Eve or Day. 

Meditations on the Joyful Mysteries 

The Annunciation

The first Joyful Mystery calls to mind the humility and faith of Mary. Mary was completely willing and ready to do what God asked of her, with no doubt, arguing, or hesitation. For this first “stop” on the pilgrimage, consider how we can display this humility in our own lives. Pray for the grace of humility in the spiritual life and in your relationships.

The Visitation

This pilgrimage stop focuses on the hospitality and love Mary showed Elizabeth when she went to visit her. It also calls to mind the joy that being in Christ’s presence brings, as seen in John the Baptist’s response to Mary being there with Jesus in her womb. Even though showing Christian charity may look different due to the pandemic, we can still let the joy of Christ spur us into serving our neighbor with love. Today, think about how we can show this kind of charity in our families and communities. 

The Nativity 

Jesus was born in the lowly, humble setting of a stable. It is incredible to think that these humble, ordinary beginnings were how God incarnate chose to enter into the world of His creation! For this pilgrimage stop, meditate on the love that compelled God to bring Himself down to our level. Meditate on how we are being called to invite Jesus into every area of our lives, even the messy, ordinary, or mundane.

The Presentation 

This mystery and pilgrimage stop calls to mind the obedience of Mary in presenting Jesus in the temple after He was born. Mary faithfully practiced her faith and did as God asked with great love and trust. For this stop, examine your life and consider where God is calling you to do something. Pray for the grace to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit with faith and trust.

Finding Jesus in the Temple 

In this final mystery, we meditate on the love Jesus has for His Heavenly Father. He was found by Mary and Joseph in the temple speaking with the elders at a high level after he had been missing for three days. Let this mystery inspire us to seek to learn more about our faith and grow in our relationship with God.

Awaiting the Joy of Christmas with Mary 

Meditating on the Joyful Mysteries during the Advent and Christmas seasons will bear holy fruit in our lives and homes!

Let’s spend time in prayer and pilgrimage, even if that is a small, local “pilgrimage” awaiting the joy of Christmas with Mary by praying and contemplating the Joyful Mysteries!

Cover Photo by Jeswin Thomas from Pexels

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