Wanderer Catholic Custom Outdoorsy Iron on Patches - great to stick on backpacks or hats

New Wanderer Patches!

We have patches!

 Walk Humbly custom embroidered patches and We Have Only Today Let Us Begin custom embroidered patches

These are not for sale yet, but if you want to be notified when they do go on sale please go sign up for our newsletter here.


  • Size - 3x3 inches
  • Quantity - we made 100 of each style!
  • Backing - Iron-on Backing
  • Base Material - Polyester Blend Twill
  • Border Edge - Embroidered Border
  • Cut To Shape Method - Hand Cut


Here's a sneak peek at the mockup process....

Embroidered Patches mockup process sneak peek

Remember, these will Ship for free along with everything else in our Store!

Iron them on a hat or backpack as you prepare for your next camping adventure!

The embroidery is super precise and tight - these will last forever.

Quick Q/A

  • Can you put iron on patches in the wash?
    While you can wash items that have iron-on patches properly attached, care must be taken. Only wash in cold to lukewarm water and where possible, hand wash the item. If washing in the machine, only use the gentle cycle. Always turn the garment with the iron-on patch inside out when washing it. Try to keep washing to a minimum, to preserve the patch and if its edges fray a lot, you may need to trim them or even stitch them back down.
  • Can I iron a patch onto a luggage case?
    Patches can be added to luggage cases but whether or not it can be ironed in place depends on the material from which the luggage case is made. Fabric luggage cases should be fine for ironing on patches. However, leather baggage cases will require the patches to be sewn or glued on, as heat should not be applied to leather. For synthetic cases (rayon, nylon, etc.), heat will usually cause the material to melt, so it is not advised to iron on patches to such luggage. Always check the material on the case with its ironing suitability before deciding what to do.
  • Can you use a hair straightener to iron on a patch?
    You can use a hair straightener to seal an iron-on patch; it’s usually easier and faster than using a standard iron. You’ll need to warm it up first, position the iron patch where you want it, then clamp the warmed hair straightener over the patch on the fabric. Hold in place for about 30 to 60 seconds. Since the hair straightener is unlikely to be wide enough for all of the patch, you’ll need to move it around until all is sealed onto the fabric, each time holding the hair straightener in position for 30 to 60 seconds. If you’re concerned about the patch glue getting onto the hair straightener, fold foil around the straightener sides before heating, and remove when cooled down after use.
  • Do I need to pre-wash the garment before ironing on the patch?
    It is a good idea to add an iron-on patch to a clean garment, as this removes the need to wash the iron-patch more than is necessary. Also, it's nicer to work with a clean garment and if you are concerned about potential shrinkage of the garment (if new), the pre-wash will take care of that. Finally, as odd as it may seem, it's also important to iron the section of the garment the patch will be applied to before adding the patch, to ensure there are no wrinkles caught up under the patch, creating unsightly bulges or making it difficult to iron on neatly.
  • What kind of glue to use on patches?
    There are glues specifically made for clothing patches, which work well because they’re made to cope with the wear and tear the badge will be subjected to. Or, you can use a fabric glue or a craft glue (permanent bonding adhesive) made for attaching fabric items but be aware that the less specific the glue is for the job, the less likely it’ll work long-term. Also, avoid any glue likely to be messy as it’ll ooze out and leave a residue on the surrounding fabric. Double-sided fusible web (which has the glue contained within the web) or iron-on glue sheets are another suitable option, both activated by heat. Such supplies should be available from your local craft store or online.
  • My patch fell off my shirt. Can I iron it back on?
    When a patch falls off a garment, this usually indicates that either it has been subjected to too much heat (in the dryer) or too frequent washing. The adhesive is likely no longer sticky and you'll either need to add new adhesive or stitch the patch back on. If you're not keen on sewing the patch back in place, the best option is to apply fusible webbing to the back of the patch (cut to size), then iron the patch back on, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Can you take off iron on patches?
    Removal of iron-on patches is possible through the application of heat or an adhesive remover. For complete instructions on doing this effectively, see: How to Remove Iron On Patches.
  • How do I remove an iron-on patch?
    Pre-heat your iron to its highest setting before use. Press your iron down on top of the paper/cloth where the patch would be. Hold it there for about 15 seconds. Remove the iron and peel off the covering from your item to lift it off. Repeat if needed. Note: It may not always work and in some cases, the removal may cause the tearing of the fabric beneath, especially when the patch was designed to fix a hole or threadbare area of the fabric.
  • Can I use this method for baseball caps?
    Yes. It worked out fine for us, but we had to sew down the ends.
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