How to Safely Spend Time Outdoors While Social Distancing

How to Safely Spend Time Outdoors While Social Distancing

It's no secret that the world has been turned upside-down in a very short period of time. The Covid-19 virus has changed the way we live. In fact, simple things like enjoying a meal at a crowded restaurant or watching a movie in a theater seem like things of the past.

Within a matter of weeks, terms such as social distancing and quarantine have become a part of the lexicon of our daily lives. 

This article takes a look at how to spend time outdoors while social distancing. After all, it's important to continue following CDC infection control guidelines even when you go outside. Keep reading to discover all the crucial details. 

Follow Guidelines Specified for Your Community

The announcements and news coming from each State regarding the coronavirus keeps coming fast and seems to change day by day. That's why it's important to pay close attention to guidelines for your area as designated by your state and local governments. 

New York Times Map of Pandemic Orders State by State


Keep in mind that every area is different, so be sure to check community and State websites such as New York's website for the latest updates. 

Before going outside, make sure that you fully understand what types of outdoor activities are approved so that you'll lower the risk of exposure or getting fined.

Stay Close to Home & Avoid Crowded Places

When you do decide to go out, it's recommended that you stay as close to home as possible. It's also crucial to avoid crowded places so that you won't risk coming into contact with anyone who has been exposed to Covid-19.

Go Outside at Less Popular Times of Day

Another useful tip is to avoid going outside at times when many other people will be out. Perhaps go early in the morning when most people are still in bed. This will provide the chance to get exercise and fresh air without risking unnecessary social interaction. Otherwise, and per the example of this Order in California, shelter in place until further notice.

Go Solo

It's also recommended to go outside alone or only with those from your house. In other words, please resist the temptation to make your time outdoors an opportunity to socialize. 

Focus On Proper Hygiene

Please remember to exercise excellent personal hygiene. This includes frequent hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds at a time, the use of hand sanitizer after touching anything that hasn't been disinfected, avoid touching surfaces then touching your face, and avoid drinking from water fountains. 

Keep Moving

It's best not to linger in one place. If you must go outside for any period of time, make it point to keep moving and avoid any areas where other people have gathered.

Don't Touch Outdoor Equipment

Avoid touching playground equipment or park benches. This is extremely important when spending time in public parks. 

A Guide to Social Distancing When You're Outdoors

Staying safe and healthy is more important now than ever. Fortunately, these tips for social distancing while outdoors can help.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about how we are operating during these uncertain times and how we are safely manufacturing and handling our products to ensure our supply chain and customers are kept safe.

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